KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – The United States has blocked imports from the world’s top rubber glove maker just as health care workers are facing a new surge of coronavirus cases in some states. U.S. Customs and Border Protection imposed a “withhold release order” on two subsidiaries of Malaysia’s Top Glove Corp. on Wednesday over […]
COVID-19 Health Mandate 11: Social Distancing, Item I.5 prohibits private and public gatherings of non-household members, regardless of the number of people involved. This includes, but is not limited to, weddings, faith gatherings, graduations, and funeral events. https://gov.alaska.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/03272020-SOA-COVID-19-Health-Mandate-011.pdf However, the following practices will be allowed for places of worship, including churches, synagogues, mosques, temples […]
The city’s location in the midst of the Central Bering Sea is usually considered a disadvantage because of its remoteness, but during the pandemic, the Saint Paul City Council has taken steps to keep the raging coronavirus from infecting their Pribilof Island fishing community. In response to federal and state emergency declarations over the […]
“It’s clear evidence these chemicals can affect populations.” Image-Scientists in Saskatchewan found that consuming small amounts of neonicotinoids led white-crowned sparrows to lose significant amounts of weight and delay migration, threatening their ability to reproduce. (Photo: Jen Goellnitz/Flickr/cc) In addition to devastating effects on bee populations and the pollination needed to feed humans and other […]