Community leaders in the Nushagak area of the Bristol Bay wild salmon fishery say they want restrictions in place before the harvesting begins to keep residents safe from the novel coronavirus, which has reached pandemic strength. A unified message from regional organizations based in Dillingham, Alaska, calls for all individuals arriving for the fishery […]
Commercial fishermen and other leaders of the Bristol Bay region are asking the US Army Corps of Engineers to formally relax the timeline for development of their final environmental impact statement (EIS) and extend the deadline for cooperating agencies to comment on the preliminary final EIS. Given the major disruptions caused all across the […]
ANCHORAGE, AK – Bristol Bay organizations will participate in oral argument as the next step in the lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency for arbitrarily withdrawing protections for the region’s fishery. Judge Sharon Gleason will hear presentations about whether the case will move forward at 10 a.m. on March 2 at the James Fitzgerald […]
SEATTLE, WA — Canadian First Nations, Washington State Tribal leaders, and leaders from Native American regional and national organizations held a press conference to announce their solidarity with the United Tribes of Bristol Bay in protecting one of the world’s last and largest wild salmon runs from the development of the Pebble mine. Fawn […]