DHSS today announced two new deaths and 36 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 35 are residents in five communities: Anchorage (17), Fairbanks (4), Palmer (3), Juneau (2) and one each in North Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Bristol Bay plus Lake and Peninsula Borough, Soldotna, Wasilla, Yakutat plus Hoonah-Angoon, Denali Borough, and Unknown […]
DHSS Monday announced 39 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 37 are residents in five communities: Anchorage (29), Fairbanks (4), Nome Census Area (2) and one each in Juneau and North Pole. Two nonresident cases were reported in: Anchorage: 1 other industry Bethel: 1 other industry The total number of Alaska resident cases is […]
“Rather than being straight with the American people and creating a national plan to fix the problem, the president and his enablers kept these alarming reports private while publicly downplaying the threat to millions of Americans.” As President Donald Trump and administration officials have been publicly downplaying the Covid-19 crisis and even predicting its imminent disappearance over the […]
DHSS today announced 50 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 44 are residents in 16 communities: Fairbanks (12), Anchorage (8), Juneau (3), North Pole (3), Bethel Census Area (2), Kenai (2), Ketchikan (2), Nome Census Area (2), Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (2), Utqiaġvik (2) and one each in North Slope Borough, Homer, Kotzebue, Nome, Palmer and Wasilla. Six nonresident cases were […]