Bethel-based Alaska Wildlife Troopers commended Renfro’s Alaskan Adventures for their professionalism for reporting a case of blatant wanton waste of a moose on Sunday in the Bethel area by two Maryland men. According to the report, Renfro’s Alaskan Adventures reported that they had transported two hunters “who had been on an un-guided hunt had moose meat that […]
WASHINGTON — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman who has accused him of sexually assaulting her when both were teenagers aretestifying Thursday at a Senate hearing that could determine the balance of the nation’s highest judicial body. Christine Blasey Ford is giving her account of the alleged incident, in which she says Kavanaugh assaulted her […]
Through evidence gathering and other areas of the investigation, investigators have refuted the claims made by Kotzebue man, Peter Wilson, and as a result he has now been charged with three counts of Murder I, Kidnapping, and four counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor I, all felonies. During the preliminary investigation, Wilson had told […]
A Kwethluk man who was wanted on weapons and assault charges stemming from a Saturday incident was located and arrested on Monday. AST reports that when a village police officer in that community while investigating a disturbance call, made contact with 39-year-old Darrell Alexie of Kwethluk. Alexie is reported to have pointed a handgun at […]