The American blue economy, which are resources and services provided by the oceans, contributed about $373 billion to the economy in 2018, and fisheries play a large role in that. Climate change, however, threatens commercial and recreational fisheries; changes in water temperature can affect the environments where fish, shellfish, and other marine species live, and cause them […]
The Alaska Board of Fisheries which met in Anchorage, Alaska in March, approved three proposals from the Northern Norton Sound Advisory Committee. They voted 6–1 to change the start of the winter commercial crab fishery for Norton Sound from Jan 15 to Feb. 1. The proposal was amended to also close the commercial crab […]
A proposal aimed at developing a harvest strategy to reintroduce a golden king crab fishery in Prince William Sound was rejected on Tuesday, March 10 during the Alaska Board of Fisheries statewide king and tanner crab meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Cordova District Fishermen United (CDFU) had sought to reintroduce the fishery for the northern […]
The Norton Sound winter commercial crab fish is on hold for lack of buyers, and an area fishery group is calling for the closure of the fishery for 2020 for conservation purposes. The board of the Norton Sound Economic Development Corp. (NSEDC) on Monday, Feb. 10, urged the Alaska Department of Fish and Game […]