Anchorage, AK – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (both R-AK) are honored to recognize February 16th as “Elizabeth Peratrovich Day” through a Senate resolution. The national recognition celebrates the historic Alaska civil rights leader who played an integral role in the Alaska Territorial Legislature’s passage the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945—decades before the signing of the […]
One hundred and fifty-seven years ago, Alaska was formally transferred from Russia to the United States after it was purchased from Russia for the sum of $7.2 million on March 30th, 1867. It took several months for commissioners to arrive in the territory of Alaska to formally transfer ownership. And so, on October 18th, 1867, […]
The University of Alaska Fairbanks will celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day with several events and activities on Oct. 14, 2024. Indigenous Peoples Day honors Indigenous people, culture and knowledge nationwide. It affords time to reflect and recognize the Indigenous knowledge that enhances the education provided by the university. UAF events will be held on Oct. 14 […]