An Anchorage woman was arrested on Felony DUI charges at 9:32 am on Saturday morning after the vehicle she was driving was reported as a REDDI. Troopers pulled over 42-year-old Margaret Chiklak in a green 1994 Mercury Sable behind the Girdwood Fire Department after her vehicle was reported. After positively identifying her as Chiklak, it […]
Alaska State Troopers responded to the scene of a hit and run near the intersection of Badger and Old Badger Roads in Saturday. On scene, troopers took a report from a juvenile male who told officers that he was driving his mountain bike at the location when he was struck by an adult male on […]
Troopers responded to a disturbance at the Willow Creek Campground in Willow early Saturday morning at 5 am. after a call came in reporting an incident there. When troopers arrived, they contacted 35-year-old Samuel Palmer of Wasilla and issued him a verbal warning for his conduct at the campground. Approximately a half-hour later, troopers received […]
Alaska State Troopers with the assistance of the Bureau of Highway Patrol responded and pulled over a vehicle at mile 49 of the Parks Highway after receiving a call reporting the vehicle as REDDI. (Report Every Dangerous Vehicle Immediately) After pulling the vehicle over, troopers contacted the driver of the vehicle, 27-year-old Mallory Dahl of […]