ANCHORAGE, Alaska – U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder and U.S. Marshal Rob Heun Thursday issued the following statements in support of the Alaska Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) initiative to enhance 911 services in rural Alaska: “The primary duty of Alaska’s law enforcement community is to protect all of us in the Great Land,” said […]
To ease the financial burden of Alaskans and to assist with preventing the spread of COVID-19, Governor Dunleavy suspended AS 28.35.155(a), the statute referencing the studded tire usage, until May 11. Though there is an inherent risk in conducting non-urgent business and transactions, auto-repair facilities are considered essential businesses and are permitted to remain […]
“In the absence of early detection and purchasing agreements, crucial medical supplies have been ferried out from American manufacturers for foreign markets.” While countries in Europe and Asia spent the first several weeks of the year preparing their healthcare systems and populations for the coronavirus outbreak by stockpiling crucial medical supplies, the Trump administration spent […]
Federal fisheries officials responding to concerns voiced by longline halibut and black cod fishermen in Alaska have issued an emergency action providing authority, on a case by case basis, to waive observer coverage in some instances. The emergency action also waive some training and other program requirements while meeting conservation needs and providing an […]