New outreach efforts underway so that fishery observers feel comfortable reporting harrassment issues and ensure that fishing vessel crews, captains and fishing company managers understand what constitutes harassment. If you’ve watched a reality TV show profiling life on U.S. commercial fishing vessels, you know it’s a challenging and dangerous work environment for the crew. […]
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council has approved final action to allow vessels to deliver a partial load of crab and then continue harvesting under the crab rationalization program. The council reasoned during its December meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, that being able to resume fishing after a partial offload could help vessels faced with […]
State of Alaska biologists are forecasting a 2020 Togiak sac roe herring harvest of 38,749 tons in purse seine and gillnet sac roe fisheries. The purse seine allocation is set to 30,999 tons, or 80 percent while he gillnet allocation is 7,750 tons, or 20 percent. Biologists noted that the 2020 forecast uses a 20 […]
State fisheries biologists for Alaska say very low forecasts and recent poor runs of Chinook salmon returning to the Stikine and Taku rivers in Southeast Alaska do not provide for allowable catches on these transboundary rivers on either the United States or Canadian side of the border. The 2020 preseason terminal run forecast for the […]