Fishing industry and researchers team up to track red king crab seasonal movements to provide data vital to keeping the Bristol Bay fishery sustainable in a changing climate Alaska red king crab and the perils that fishermen face to catch them have gained worldwide fame. But fishermen are also working hard, together with NOAA […]
The largest commercial harvest of seaweed in Alaska is taking place this month. Blue Evolution, a California-based company that cultivates, harvests and distributes Alaska-grown seaweed, is expected to haul in up to 200,000 pounds from waters near Kodiak Island within the next two weeks. Previous harvests have been a fraction of that size, but, as […]
Jason Brune Approved as Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Juneau – Legislators voted to confirm Jason Brune as Commissioner for the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). By voting him in, those legislators ignored the voices of thousands of Alaskans who weighed in during public testimony. By voting to confirm a former Pebble Limited Partnership […]
New approach will deliver more timely, actionable data on changing ocean conditions. The Bering Sea is home to some of the nation’s largest and most profitable commercial fisheries, including Alaskan pollock and Pacific cod. It’s also one of the fastest warming parts of the world, with fish stocks becoming increasingly vulnerable to marine heat […]