Findings published amid push to gut public oversight and environmental review for new mines Today Earthworks, along with four Alaska conservation, environmental health and justice organizations, released a report on the extensive record of spills and pollution violations at Alaska’s five major operating hardrock mines: Red Dog, Fort Knox, Pogo, Kensington and Greens […]
FAIRBANKS – Governor Bill Walker gave remarks at a groundbreaking ceremony Wednesday at Fort Knox Mine for a significant expansion of the mine that is happening because of teamwork between local, state, and federal agencies. “Plain and simple, this is a great day for Fairbanks,” Governor Bill Walker said. “Because of this new investment by […]
FAIRBANKS — The BLM has received a proposal from Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc. to conduct mineral assessment work near the Fort Knox gold mine on BLM-managed lands withdrawn for use by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA utilizes adjacent federal lands for its Fairbanks Satellite Operations Facility. Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc.’s proposed work […]