HEADQUARTERS, U.S. ARMY ALASKA, FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska – Sgt. Brian Peter Sawyer, a helicopter repairer for the 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment at Fort Wainwright died Monday, Feb. 11, at Madigan Army Medical Center, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, from injuries he sustained at his on-post residence here Feb. 3. Sawyer, 33, was initially treated at […]
[dropcap]J[/dropcap]OINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — Airmen with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th and 212th Rescue Squadrons rescued one distressed individual Jan. 29 at the Yetna River Roadhouse. According to Alaska Air National Guard 1st Lt. Daniel Warren, Alaska Rescue Coordination Center, the mission was opened in response to a request for assistance from […]
[dropcap]J[/dropcap]OINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska — Airmen with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 210th and 212th Rescue Squadrons rescued a pilot of a Piper PA-22 aircraft Jan. 22 at Chickaloon Flats after the plane was damaged. According to Alaska Air National Guard Capt. Wesley Ladd, Alaska Rescue Coordination Center, the alert notification came from activation […]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he absence of wind, dry conditions, and lengthy low temperatures make Fairbanks an ideal location for cold weather testing of aircraft. A helicopter manufacturer scheduled cold weather testing at Fairbanks International Airport beginning last Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 through Sunday, Jan. 13, 2019. Due to the extreme weather conditions that presented themselves last night, […]