With the public hearing in Soldotna last night, the public comment period on the proposal to close the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 Brown Bear hunting season on the Kenai Peninsula comes to an end. In a release yesterday, the Governor’s office said, “Federal land managers have again proposed limiting Alaskans’ access to a state resource, the […]
Soldotna Troopers responded to a disturbance call on Westwood Lane near Sterling on Monday night at 11:07 pm. Once at the scene, they performed an investigation of the incident and found that a Kenai man, 24-year-old Christopher Roller-Epling had gone into the residence there and proceeded to disrobe before callers called the incident in. As […]
Kenai, Alaska – Representative Paul Seaton’s bill to allow greater participation in the wildly popular Permanent Fund Dividend “Pick.Click.Give.” charitable giving program was signed into law by Alaska Governor Sean Parnell today. House Bill 75 changes an onerous statute requiring a full financial audit by a certified public account, making it apply only to organizations that […]
Alaska State Troopers found the remains of 29-year-old O’Thaniel Cooper after a fire in Kenai was extinguished on Friday morning. Troopers responded to a structure fire involving a barn in the Kenai are at 11:56 am on Friday along with Central Emergency Services. When the barn fire was put out troopers discovered the remains of […]