In what Kodiak police are calling the largest drug bust ever made by the Kodiak Police Department, on arrest was made and nearly 2 ounces of heroin and more than a pound and a half of methamphetamine were seized from room 110 of the Russian heritage in in a raid mid morning on Saturday. Kodiak […]
PRiis’tanaq – Dock PaRaguutat pRiistananun taitaartut. – The boats come to the dock. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken.) In Alutiiq communities, where boats are essential for travel, subsistence activities, and work at sea, docks are a necessity. Although Alutiiqs once landed their skin-covered boats on the beach and stored them around their […]
Camani – Lower Forty-Eight States Camani ilangq’rtuanga. – I have family in the Lower Forty-eight. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) When Alutiiqs speakers talk about the continental United States they use the word camani, which literally means “down there.” In Alaska, the English equivalent is “the Lower Forty-eight.” Despite the separation between Alaska […]