2020 marks Alaska Sea Grant’s 50th year. Over the last five decades, the program’s research, education, and outreach activities have had countless positive impacts on Alaska’s coastal communities, ecosystems, and economies. Alaska Sea Grant’s initial research in 1970 included studies of pinnipeds of the Bering and Chukchi Seas, and the uses of seafood waste. Since then, […]
The American blue economy, which are resources and services provided by the oceans, contributed about $373 billion to the economy in 2018, and fisheries play a large role in that. Climate change, however, threatens commercial and recreational fisheries; changes in water temperature can affect the environments where fish, shellfish, and other marine species live, and cause them […]
New research explores how lower-latitude oceans drive complex changes in the Arctic Ocean, pushing the region into a new reality distinct from the 20th-century norm. The University of Alaska Fairbanks and Finnish Meteorological Institute led the international effort, which included researchers from six countries. The first of several related papers was published this month […]
Last night, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) alerted the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) that a recent passenger tested positive for COVID-19. DHSS conducted extensive contact tracing and determined that the only other person considered to be a close contact was a traveling companion. No one else aboard the vessel […]