As piles of wet snow fell, an unexpected guest rapped at the window. My wife, Kristen, heard it bump into the glass. She was soon cupping in her hands a delicate bird she saw perched on the windowsill. “It’s a golden-crowned kinglet!” she said. Kristen is a bird biologist, but I was surprised at her […]
The original Americans came from Siberia in a single wave no more than 23,000 years ago, at the height of the last Ice Age, and apparently hung out in the north – perhaps for thousands of years – before spreading in two distinct populations throughout North and South America, according to a new genomic analysis. […]
(Statewide) — Alaska’s subsistence waterfowl hunting seasons opened on April 2 and with spring migration under way hunters are reminded to practice routine hygiene when handling, cleaning and cooking the ducks, geese and other migratory birds they harvest. Two strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), or “bird flu,” were found in wild birds late […]
Each fall, white-crowned sparrows hop off branches in Alaska and begin journeys toward California, Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas. On their trip of several weeks, flying mostly at night, the tiny songbirds may cut back on their sleep by two-thirds. Scientists in Wisconsin discovered the sparrow’s apparent ability to perform while cutting rest with […]