BEAUFORT, S.C. – November is National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month in the United States. The month celebrates the contributions made by Native Americans to the history and foundation of our nation. Native Americans were the original inhabitants of the U.S. and there is extensive history of early settlements in the Beaufort area. […]
A YouTube video surfaced on the Internet on the Internet on October 29th, showing possible excessive force by officers with the Sitka Police Department. The video shows them repeatedly tazing a Mount Edgecumbe student that was brought in for underage drinking and disorderly conduct charges on September 6th of 2014. The video, uploaded by school […]
Some of the first meetings of the Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS) were documented on brown paper bags. “I recall my mother, Louise Bradley, telling me the group of ladies didn’t have enough money for paper during the formation years for ANS,” said former ANS Camp #1 President Marge Byrd. “But that didn’t stop them from […]
On Thursday, the full House will consider H.R. 538, the “Native American Energy Act”, introduced by Alaska Congressman Don Young. The bill, which passed committee on September 10, 2015, works to promote energy development on Indian and Alaska Native Corporation lands by expediting, streamlining, and standardizing the process for obtaining appraisals and permits. For too […]