The Alaska Anthropological Association has awarded Dr. April Laktonen Counceller, the Executive Director of the Alutiiq Museum, its Outstanding Current Contribution Award. The award was announced Saturday at the association’s 46th annual meeting, held this year in Nome. The Alaska Anthropological Association is a statewide organization for people working, studying, and interested in all areas […]
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] 57-year-old Fairbanks Master Guide had his guiding license revoked for the rest of his life in the Nome District Court last Thursday after a plea agreement with the Office of Special Prosecutions, it was reported by Alaska State Troopers on Monday. At sentencing, Master Guide Brian Simpson had his guiding privileges revoked for his lifetime, […]
Nome-based Alaska State Troopers report that there is still no resolution to a six-day search for a 63-year-old White Mountain man that broke through the ice at the mouth of the Fish River and Golovin Bay on Sunday. According to the trooper report, Lincoln Simon went through the ice on Sunday and managed to call […]
Recovery efforts for a man lost overboard near Nome on Friday were unsuccessful as of Monday AST reports. A report of a man overboard was received by Nome-based Alaska State Troopers at approximately 8:49 am. 56-year-old Anthony Shelp was out on a fishing vessel with family members when he fell overboard. Shelp’s family members attempted […]