As per department protocol, the Anchorage Police Department, on Sunday, publically revealed the identities of the four officers connected the officer-involved-shooting that occurred on Thursday morning. The names of the officers is as follows: Officer Steven Amnatkeolee. He’s been a member of APD for 4 years. Officer Brandon Schafer. He’s been a member of […]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he investigation into the officer-involved shooting of a suspect early on Thursday morning is continuing and the four officers involved in the East 16th incident have been placed on mandatory administrative leave as per department protocol. It was at 2:11 am on Thursday morning that patrol officer responded to a vehicle prowler report at […]
This image provided by the U.S. District Court in Maryland shows a photo of firearms and ammunition that was in the motion for detention pending trial in the case against Christopher Paul Hasson, whom prosecutors call a “domestic terrorist.” A U.S. Coast Guard officer who federal prosecutors allege stockpiled weapons to launch a spree of […]
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ore details and the identity of the young Palmer man who was shot by authorities in Palmer on Thursday evening had been released by Alaska State Troopers on Friday shedding more light on the incident and clarifying what led up to the fatal encounter. Palmer police were at the Palmer Train Depot at 1:42 PM […]