On Friday a Grand Jury handed down a murder indictment against an Alaska man, Aaron Mitchell Hague, age 32, who is presently being held in a Portland jail awaiting trial in another murder that took place in that state in March of 2021. According to authorities, Hague, and his alleged victim, 61-year-old […]
ANCHORAGE – An Oregon man was sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Judge Ralph R. Beistline to 16 years in prison for drug conspiracy and assault of a corrections officer. According to court documents, Michael Hindman, 32, mailed multiple packages of heroin and methamphetamine to a local drug dealer in Unalaska, during 2019. In return, the […]
“Normally the weather predicts what the fire will do,” said an Oregon official. “In this case, the fire is predicting what the weather will do.” As of Tuesday morning, the Bootleg Fire had burned up more than 364,000 acres across Southern Oregon—becoming so big that not only has it bolstered the case for bold climate action, the fire […]
“We are living through a climate catastrophe,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman. “We have to redesign our economy to respond to the current crisis and to ensure it doesn’t get much, much worse.” Bolstering the case for meaningful action to address the climate emergency, the out-of-control Bootleg Fire that began on July 6 in southern Oregon has scorched more […]