Army Corps DEIS fails to consider impacts to bears and burgeoning industry Homer, Alaska – A new study by University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers highlights the strong and growing economic value of bear viewing on the west side of Cook Inlet, where the Pebble Partnership hopes to build a major transportation corridor and industrial […]
At last week’s launch of World Bank’s Climate-Smart Mining Facility, NRDC elevates importance of place and community, citing reckless Pebble Mine as poster child for “wrong mine, wrong place.” Last Wednesday in Washington, D.C., I was pleased to attend a gathering at the World Bank accompanying the launch of its climate-smart mining initiative—a public-private initiative based […]
In a new report, Cook Inletkeeper details the increasing scale of lobby expenditures by the Pebble Partnership to influence the timeline and approval of their inadequate scoping and rushed permit applications. Just two days ago The Pebble Partnership hired the man Politico called the “most powerful lobbyist in Trump’s Washington”, fitting evidence in the unfolding story of Pebble’s […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. – After completing review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Pebble mine project in Bristol Bay, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) Wednesday sent a letter to Colonel Phillip Borders, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District Commander, requesting an extension for the public comment period from 90 days […]