JUNEAU – Tuesday, the Senate State Affairs Committee passed SJR1 to the Judiciary Committee, its next committee of referral. SJR1 would allow Alaskans a vote to safeguard the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in the state’s constitution. The principal or “corpus” of the fund is already constitutionally protected and cannot be spent. However, the earnings of […]
Anchorage – This past Saturday was National Adoption Day, held annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Currently, Alaska has the second highest number of youth per capita in the nation waiting for an adoptive home. There are over 700 youth in Alaska’s foster care system that are ready and waiting for adoptive parents. “Foster care […]
Alaska will join 26 other states and move to the central issuance format for IDs, drivers licenses, and permits beginning in June of this year, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Beginning next month, all new issues, and renewals will be issued a temporary card that is good for a period of 60 days […]