“Republicans revealing what they REALLY think about the working class,” said one progressive commentator. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz took a thrashing from progressives on Friday after he underhandedly acknowledged that President Joe Biden’s move this week to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt per borrower is likely to help Democrats in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. […]
Still, as long as Senate Republicans refuse to support the bill, passing electoral reforms depends on eliminating the filibuster, which conservative Democrats have yet to endorse. Zero GOP lawmakers have backed the For the People Act, congressional Democrats’ comprehensive plan to strengthen U.S. democracy by making it easier to vote, curbing partisan gerrymandering, and limiting […]
Superior Court Judge Thomas A. Matthews dismissed a lawsuit challenging the Ballot Measure No. 1, Alaska’s Fair Share Act. The lawsuit sought to invalidate signatures collected by professional signature gatherers and take away Alaskans’ right to vote on the initiative in November. Matthews’ ruling granted Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share’s motion to dismiss […]
Recent attempts by the Trump administration to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and to bail out oil companies during the COVID-19 pandemic with taxpayer money, as well as its criticism of banks’ decisions not to fund Arctic oil and gas development, are hugely unpopular with American voters. According to newly completed […]