The Alaska State Board of Fisheries this week will consider four proposals that would eliminate or reduce bycatch in the Prince William Sound “midwater” trawl fishery, which has zero observers and regularly bycatches bottom-dwelling species, potentially violating state law CORDOVA, ALASKA—The Alaska State Board of Fisheries is this week set to consider four proposals that […]
The pollock fishery in the Gulf of Alaska is unique in many ways. The pollock fishery in Alaska’s Bering Sea is rationalized, which means each vessel/permit holder is allocated a certain amount of catch for the season. But the Gulf of Alaska pollock fishery is open access, with every vessel racing against the others for catch. The […]
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) revised the 2023 total allowable catch (TAC) amounts for pollock and Pacific cod in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), effective 12 noon, Alaska local time, January 1, 2023, according to Jonathan M. Kurland, Administrator, Alaska Region, NMFS. NMFS is increasing the pollock TAC from 139,977 metric tons (mt) to […]
WASHINGTON D.C.— U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, (all R-Alaska), today commended the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) approval of a Section 32 purchase of up to $41 million of surplus Alaska Pollock Products. USDA’s purchase of Alaska Pollock will be distributed to various food nutrition assistance programs, including charitable […]