Searchers downstream from Tuluksak continue to search for one snowmachiner on the Kuskokwim River after an incident there on Friday evening. Troopers were notified of the incident by Bethel Search and Rescue on Saturday morning of the search for two snowmachiners that were observed driving into a hole in the ice on the river at […]
NOME – This year’s commercial salmon fisheries were devastating for Norton Sound and Yukon River fishermen, processors, local vendors, and municipalities. Harvests in Norton Sound decreased by 87 percent, a loss of $1.7 million, and Yukon River harvests were down by 97 percent for a loss of $1.9 million. Sen. Donny Olson (D-Golovin) and Rep. […]
“At its heart, dam removal is about healing and restoration for the river, for the salmon, and for our people,” said the Yurok Tribe chair. After years of tireless organizing and negotiations, local tribal leaders in the Klamath Basin, the Democratic governors of California and Oregon, and relevant corporate partners on Tuesday announced an agreement […]
FAIRBANKS, AK — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern Interior Field Office, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, will open caribou hunting on federal public lands in Units 20E, 25C, and 20F East of the Dalton Highway and South of the Yukon River on October 27, 2020, to provide harvest opportunities for federal subsistence […]