During these late winter days, researchers who are studying the rusty discoloration of northern Alaska streams are prepping for summer field trips. Jon O’Donnell of the National Park Service is one of a team of scientists who will float rivers and streams in Kobuk Valley National Park and Noatak National Preserve in 2024. He and […]
Streamflow is increasing in Alaskan rivers during both spring and fall seasons, primarily due to increasing air temperatures over the past 60 years, according to new University of Colorado Boulder-led research. This increased volume of free-flowing water during the shoulder seasons is compounded by earlier snowmelt and thawing permafrost, also driven by increasing temperatures; all […]
JUNEAU, AK – The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) President Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson joined other tribal leaders in Washington, D.C. to advocate for clean rivers and sovereignty over waterways. President Peterson, along with President Trixie Bennett (Ketchikan Indian Community), President Joe Williams (Organized Village […]
“Local residents, scientists, and the broader public all agree that this is quite simply a bad place for a mine, and it is past time for the EPA to take Pebble off the table permanently,” said one activist in Alaska. Campaigners across the United States celebrated the Biden administration’s step this week to safeguard Alaska’s Bristol […]