Community leaders in the Nushagak area of the Bristol Bay wild salmon fishery say they want restrictions in place before the harvesting begins to keep residents safe from the novel coronavirus, which has reached pandemic strength. A unified message from regional organizations based in Dillingham, Alaska, calls for all individuals arriving for the fishery […]
Seafood processors preparing for robust wild Alaska salmon fisheries, which begin in May, are taking special precautions to assure the safety of people and their harvest in a season where a novel coronavirus pandemic is making life complicated. Ocean Beauty Seafoods, for one, has advised its fleet they are taking some specific actions because […]
The Pacific Decadal Oscillation and North Pacific Gyre Oscillation are not as effective at helping us predict regional environmental and ecological change as in the past. A new study shows that two important indicators for understanding and predicting the effects of climate variability on eastern North Pacific marine ecosystems are less reliable than they were historically. […]
NOAA Fisheries scientists are part of an international team that set sail on April 11. They are studying the impacts of continued warm ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska on Pacific salmon survival. It has been estimated that one-third of all Pacific salmon spend the winter in the Gulf of Alaska. While reduced in […]