An Anchorage teen who attended Dimond High was arrested following threats made on a school bus on Tuesday, APD revealed on Wednesday. According to the preliminary investigation, a student who had become unruly on the bus on Tuesday. After the bus driver addressed the student’s behavior, “the student became agitated and threatened to shoot up the school […]
At least eight people were killed in an active shooter situation Friday morning at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, according to Ed Gonzalez, the sheriff in neighboring Harris County. “Could be anywhere between eight and 10 [fatalities], the majority being students,” Gonzalez told reporters near the school. “The suspect in custody is […]
Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Kotlik teen walking around the village with a large knife at just before 1 pm on Friday, AST revealed on Saturday. Following the initial call to troopers on Friday afternoon, the principal of the Kotlik School observed 19-year-old Rick Andrews making his way to the school with […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program is hosting 52 students from the Bering Strait School District at its April Middle School Academy. Aimed at developing an early interest in science, engineering, technology and math, Middle School Academies create hands-on learning opportunities for students, such as the windmill challenge, that demonstrate how a degree in […]