In an unfortunate incident on Kala Slough, off of the Yukon River, a 25-year-old Galena man lost his life attempting to retrieve his watercraft on Sunday morning. AST was informed at 9:40 am on Sunday morning, that Kevin Evans of Galena had drowned in the slough across the river from Galena as he was […]
KODIAK, Alaska — The Coast Guard rescued two men Sunday after they became stranded during an all-terrain vehicle trip on Kodiak Island. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak located the men after detecting their heat signatures inside a cabin near Saltery Cove. As the helicopter approached the cabin, the crew could see […]
Trooper Helicopters outfitted with camera and mapping system (Anchorage, Alaska) – Earlier this year, the department procured hardware and software updates for the two A-Star helicopters, located in Anchorage (Helo-3) and Fairbanks (Helo-2). Last year alone, the Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers participated in 535 search and rescue operations. The technology […]
UPDATE: The remains of Vanton Pettigen were recovered on Saturday mid-day approximately 25 yards from where his wife’s remains were recovered on Friday. ORIGINAL: Alaska State Troopers report that the search for the missing Anchorage couple that disappeared on Friday and have been the focus of SAR efforts by various agencies have found and recovered one of […]