The American blue economy, which are resources and services provided by the oceans, contributed about $373 billion to the economy in 2018, and fisheries play a large role in that. Climate change, however, threatens commercial and recreational fisheries; changes in water temperature can affect the environments where fish, shellfish, and other marine species live, and cause them […]
New analysis of materials from an archeological site in Syria suggests it may be the only human settlement we know about that was destroyed by pieces of an exploding comet. Abu Hureyra, an ancient mound site, is covered by the waters of Lake Assad, created when the Tabqa Dam was completed in 1974. In […]
NOAA Fisheries scientists are part of an international team that set sail on April 11. They are studying the impacts of continued warm ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska on Pacific salmon survival. It has been estimated that one-third of all Pacific salmon spend the winter in the Gulf of Alaska. While reduced in […]
A new Simon Fraser University-led study looking at the effects that glacier retreat will have on western North American Pacific salmon predicts that while some salmon populations may struggle, others may benefit. The research, published today in the journal BioScience, examined the multiple ways in which salmon might be affected by climate-change driven glacier retreat […]