July 21st, 1917

SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is seeking to charter longline vessels to conduct its Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) in 2021. The primary purpose of the FISS is to collect standardized data for use in the Pacific halibut stock assessment. This information collected is also used to study aspects of the Pacific halibut resource […]
Click on image to view high resolution version. KODIAK, Alaska — A Coast Guard aircrew rescued a hunter after his vessel sunk in Three Saints Bay, Tuesday. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak hoisted the 37-year-old hunter from a life raft and safely transported him to Kodiak, where he was reported in good […]
The 71-foot fishing tender Nordic Viking, which sank at the T-dock in Seward, Alaska, is now destined for final disposal. A spokesperson for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said Dec. 21 that the fishing tender had been lifted and dewatered by Global Diving and Salvage and would be disposed of by Raibow Fiberglass and Boat […]