This Day in Alaska History-February 28th, 1967

Former U.S. President Donald Trump left Washington with more than 700 pages of classified documents, including some containing the government’s top secrets, when his presidency ended last year, the National Archives disclosed Tuesday. The disclosure came in a letter dated May 10 from the acting U.S. archivist, Debra Steidel Wall, to one of Trump’s lawyers, […]
According to the latest Fisheries of the US Report issued by NOAA Fisheries earlier this month, Dutch Harbor retained its title, for the 22nd consecutive year, as the nation’s top fishing port by volume, with 763 million pounds landed in 2018. The annual federal report ranks Alaska first, among all states, in volume with […]
SEWARD, Alaska—AVTEC, the Alaska Vocational Technical Center, recently ranked in the top 10 percent of 4,500 colleges nationwide for student return on investment 10 years after enrollment. Lead author Anthony Carnevale addressed the question “Is college worth it?” in a new report called “A First Try at ROI: Ranking 4,500 Colleges,” from the Georgetown […]