In an unfortunate accident in the community of Togiak, a man was crushed under a vehicle while working underneath on Wednesday. Alaska State Troopers were notified of a death in the community of Togiak at 2 pm on Wednesday. A female caller reported to troopers that she had discovered 53-year-old Joshua Andrews trapped under his […]
Troopers in Palmer report that there were no citation s issued in the rollover accident that closed both lanes of the Old Glenn Highway late last night. The trooper investigation into the rollover accident at mile 8.5 of the Old Glenn Highway found that 21-year-old Palmer resident Sequea Riemersma failed to negotiate a turn and […]
The Homer Fire Department reported to the Alaska State Troopers that they were attempting to rescue a man stuck on the bluff in Kachemak Bay and may need additional assistance on Thursday. At 11:27 am, the fire department in Homer told troopers that they were attempting to rescue a man that they reported to have been trapped […]
17 adults and seven children are trapped 45 feet above ground level on the Joker’s Jinx roller coaster at Six Fags on Sunday in the hot summer sun. The roller coaster in Upper Marlboro, Maryland malfunctioned and rescue crews arrived at the scene at 2:30 pm on Sunday afternoon. No one has been currently injured in […]