Speaking to a largely maskless crowd of supporters on Carson City, Nevada late Sunday, President Donald Trump mocked Democratic nominee Joe Biden for vowing to “listen to the scientists” on the Covid-19 pandemic if elected in November and boasted about his own refusal to heed the advice of experts even as coronavirus cases and […]
“Apparently, if Americans want to hear the full truth from the Trump administration about the severity of Covid-19, they need to be wealthy and well-connected donors.” As the Covid-19 death toll in the U.S. surpasses 218,000, the New York Times revealed this week that while President Donald Trump in February lied to Americans about the coronavirus outbreak being “very […]
The New York Times continued its explosive reporting on President Donald Trump’s tax records on Friday by divulging that he engineered an eight-figure windfall shortly before contributing $10 million to his “self-funded” 2016 presidential campaign—which sparked fresh calls for probing the president’s tax and business practices. [pullquote]”Voters had a right to know where Trump was getting the money for his […]
“There it is: Trump wants to steal billions from Medicare to pay for an illegal voter bribery scheme weeks before the election.” Less than a month away from the November election, Trump administration officials are reportedly rushing to implement the president’s recent proposal to send $200 prescription drug discount cards to nearly 40 million Medicare recipients—an $8 billion […]