The Seward-based research vessel Sikuliaq will be spending this winter in the tropics. The only ice-capable vessel in the U.S. academic research fleet arrived in Hawaii on Saturday, where it will operate for the next five months. The detour is part of an effort to help with projects in the region while other vessels are busy or […]
Scientists from Fairbanks, New Mexico and Japan have discovered the first reported fossilized tracks of a large four-toed bird that inhabited central Alaska 90 million to 120 million years ago. A description of the two tracks was published in August in a special edition of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin and presented […]
A meteorologist from the National Weather Service’s local office recently told a newspaper reporter that heavy, wet snow would materialize in a few days. He said it would resemble “cement falling from the sky.” Three days later, I grunted to lift a shovel blade full of heavy slush. How did that weatherman call this from […]
Managing invasive species in a changing climate will be the focus of the 25th annual Alaska Invasive Species Workshop on Nov. 12-14 in Fairbanks. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service is coordinating the workshop with the Alaska Invasive Species Partnership, an informal statewide group of agencies, organizations and individuals concerned about invasive species. […]