Reckless Anchorage Driver Arrested after Falling Asleep at Dowling Intersection

Reckless Anchorage Driver Arrested after Falling Asleep at Dowling Intersection

  [dropcap]A[/dropcap]nchorage police say that they took an Anchorage man into custody on Tuesday morning at the intersection of Dowling and the Old Seward Highway on Reckless Driving, Violating Conditions of Release and suspected Driving Under the Influence of Drugs charges. Police were notified at 9:37 am on Tuesday by a woman driving in the vicinity […]

Trio Arrested on Weapons, Theft and other Charges after Pretrial Officers Respond for VCOR Arrest

Trio Arrested on Weapons, Theft and other Charges after Pretrial Officers Respond for VCOR Arrest

According to APD, Alaska Pretrial Officers made contact with a 29-year-old Shane Muse at a home on the 5400-block of East 26th Avenue on Saturday. They had responded there to place him under arrest for violating his conditions of release in a March case that included felony Weapons Theft II, Misconduct Involving Weapons III-Felon in Possession, […]

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