Photo: An atmospheric river that transported immense amounts of water vapor from the tropics to Southcentral Alaska in November 2018. NOAA image Nome, August 2019: More than 2 inches of rainfall falls in one day, setting a new record. Thompson Pass, December 2017: 1.7 inches of snow piles up in 10 minutes. Seven feet of […]
The Alaska State Fire Marshal’s Office, in consultation with the State Forester’s Office and in accordance with Alaska Administrative Code 50.025 Fire Code, has made the following changes to the list of regions where fireworks use and sales are suspended. The suspensions are now lifted from the Copper River Valley, including Glennallen south to Valdez, […]
This GIF shows the flash of an asteroid impacting Earth’s atmosphere over the Caribbean Sea on June 22, 2019. It was captured by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper instrument aboard GOES-16, an Earth-monitoring satellite operated by NOAA and NASA. CIRA/CSU, RAMMB/NOAA/NASA › Larger view When a lightning detector on a NOAA weather satellite detected something […]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he absence of wind, dry conditions, and lengthy low temperatures make Fairbanks an ideal location for cold weather testing of aircraft. A helicopter manufacturer scheduled cold weather testing at Fairbanks International Airport beginning last Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 through Sunday, Jan. 13, 2019. Due to the extreme weather conditions that presented themselves last night, […]