December 31, 2020 ANCHORAGE – In January, Alaska will receive another 52,900 doses of COVID-19 vaccine: 27,300 doses of Pfizer vaccine (includes 7,800 doses allocated to the Indian Health Service – IHS) and 25,600 doses of Moderna vaccine (includes 8,400 doses allocated to IHS). Vaccine continues to be distributed across the state through a phased […]
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Health care workers must meet all of the following criteria: Have direct patient contact, or have direct contact with infectious materials from patients; and, Provide essential services in a health care setting that cannot be offered remotely or performed via telework; and, Provide a service in a health care setting that cannot be postponed […]
“While business booms and the pandemic rages, the rich are getting richer—and workers are getting sicker.” Frontline retail workers have been lauded by U.S. corporations as “heroes” this year for keeping operations running during the Covid-19 outbreak, but a new study shows how companies like Dollar General and Walmart—which have made massive profits over recent months—have treated their […]
“The Trump administration is trying to get a lot of stuff like this out the door ASAP.” Just days after U.S. voters went to the polls to help deny President Donald Trump another four years in the White House, the Trump administration issued a little-noticed rule freezing the wages of farm laborers working under H-2A visas, a move that […]