Three Charged and in Custody after Multiple Incidents on L Street near Park Strip

The keen eye of a mid-shift patrol officer with the Anchorage Police Department led to the arrest of three individuals near West 14th Avenue early Sunday morning, it was revealed on Nixle on Monday afternoon.

The patrol officer was near West 14th Avenue and I Street when he spotted a white 2008 Chevy sedan that he knew belonged to a man, identified as 41-year-old Ronald Sorensen, wanted on multiple arrest warrants that included probation revocation in a drug possession conviction and  probation revocation in a burglary/theft conviction. Following this observation, a second patrol officer performed a traffic stop in a parking lot on L Street. Sorensen jumped out of the vehicle and fled on foot with the officer in pursuit also on foot.  As the chase continued toward 9th and L Street, the officer saw Sorensen pulling items from his pockets and tossing them as he ran.

By now, the first officer in his patrol vehicle re-established contact with Sorensen at 9th and L Street, ordering Sorensen to stop and clear his hands. When Sorensen didn’t comply, he was tazed and taken into custody.

“Mid-shift officers, including K9 Handler Officer Breager and K9 Mozart II, conducted an evidence search for the items Sorensen had discarded,” APD reported. First found was a vehicle key which was followed by a bunch of credit cards, then a large wad of cash that was found by an unoccupied vehicle’s tire. Lastly, an open baggie containing meth was found. “Mozart II tracked these items down, all found in different locations, and indicated on each one that they belonged to Sorensen,” Police report.

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Because Sorensen suffered minor injuries from jumping over fences during the pursuit and the subsequent tazing, medics was treated for his injuries before being transported to the Anchorage Jail. He was remanded on his warrants as well as additional charges of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance II and Resisting Arrest.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]Officers backtracked to the vehicle that Sorensen had abandoned at 1020 L Street. When they arrived, they observed another occupied vehicle, a gold 2000 Dodge Stratus, in the lot and approached it with the intentions of interviewing the occupants as to whether they witnessed the Sorensen traffic stop.

But, as they got closer, they noticed the vehicle was running with two occupants fast asleep. They observed “The driver, later identified as 28-year-old Jaclynn L. Miller, was in the driver’s seat.  A meth pipe was next to her hand and other drug paraphernalia was also visible inside the vehicle. The passenger, later identified as 25-year-old Michael W. Grace, was in the passenger seat with his pants partially down,” according to the report.

Several officers surrounded the vehicle and one knocked on the window to wake up the two occupants. When Miller, the driver, awoke, she ignored commands to roll down her window and turn off the vehicle’s ignition and instead put the vehicle in reverse and backed into a patrol vehicle behind her. The passenger, Grace, got out of the vehicle and began fighting with another officer.

Despite being tazed, Grace managed to break free and slid down an embankment and under a fence, losing his trousers as he did so. As he fled officers gave pursuit and chased Grace to the 1200-block of M Street. After being taken into custody, Grace was taken to a  local hospital for treatment of injuries sustained in the chase and tazing. Following that, Grace was remanded to the Anchorage Jail on three outstanding warrants and Resisting Arrest and Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV.

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Meanwhile, back at the vehicle, Miller was taken into custody without incident. She was patted down and found to have additional paraphernalia as well as methamphetamine and heroin. She walso found to have two outstanding warrants. “She was further charged with Operating under the Influence (drugs), Resisting, Reckless Driving, Fail to Stop at the Direction of an Officer, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV, and Criminal Mischief IV.” APD revealed.