Two Grayling Men Arrested on Several Dozen Criminal Counts

ruraltrooperAlaska State Troopers arrested two Grayling men on 99 criminal counts in that community on Tuesday, the trooper dispatch reported.

On Tuesday, troopers traveled to Grayling and arrested Douglas and David Deacon following an investigation that revealed that Douglas had violated  his conditions of release. had made contact with a specific female in the community, and had stalked that individual. He had been charged with 44 counts of VCOR and 43 counts of Unlawful Contact I. He was also charged with one Felony count of Stalking I.

David Deacon was charged with 11 counts of Violation of Custodian’s duty.

The investigation was the result of a call to troopers at 10 am on November 17th that reported that 23-year-old Douglas Deacon had violated conditions in a felony case where he was not allowed to use a cell phone and not have contact with a female in the community. The investigation found that Douglas had contacted the female numerous times between November 2nd and November 16th.

It was also found that Douglas had been out of sight and sound with his Court Approved Third Party Custodian 32-year-old David Deacon, while traveling to Shageluk and while in Grayling. As a result, David was charged with 11 counts of Violation of Custodian’s Duty.

The two men were arrested on the combined total of 99 counts and flown to Aniak and remanded to the Aniak Troopers Post to await further transport to Bethel and the Yukon-Kuskokwim Correctional Center. Douglas’s bail was set at $5,000, while David’s bail was set at $500.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]

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