The ice jam at Bishop's Rock 25 miles downstream from the community continues to hold back waters on the Yukon River and is keeping the flood levels high in Galena.
The Air Force Base and the old school are being used as emergency shelter for the community of 3,400. The lower sections of the town are underwater as are parts of the airstrip. In other sections of town, the roads are awash, cutting those sections of town off.
The community has shut the power off as a precaution yesterday.
The tribe requested assistance to move the older residents from the town. A plane has been sent in from Fairbanks to move those most vulnerable to that community where the Tanana Chiefs Conference have set up a shelter.
Although the flooding was reported to be easing on Monday night, the levels continue to go up and down.
Flood warnings continue to be in effect for other communities including Buckland, Salcha, and Hughes through Tuesday and Wednesday.