ANCHORAGE — Congressional candidate Tara Sweeney has received the endorsement of Koniag and Cook Inlet Region Inc. (CIRI), two Alaska Native Corporations, in her bid for Alaska’s lone Congressional seat.
“It’s an honor to be endorsed by two Alaska Native Corporations that work to strengthen the state economy and the lives of so many Alaska Native shareholders,” said Sweeney. “I am humbled by their support, and pledge to maintain Rep. Young’s record of fighting for Alaska’s rights if elected to Congress.”
In their announcement, CIRI’s president and CEO Sophie Minich said, “CIRI is confident that Tara will represent all Alaskans with the passion for Alaska and its people that has defined her career.”
Koniag President Shauna Hegna said their decision to endorse Sweeney was based on experience. “Tara Katuk Mac Lean Sweeney, like Congressman Young, understands the nuances of our vast and diverse state,” said Hegna.
The individual corporation endorsements follow the blanket endorsement issued by the ANCSA Regional Association, which issued a rare candidate endorsement for Sweeney on April 11, 2022, and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation’s endorsement on April 13, 2022.
More information about Tara Sweeney’s campaign is found at taraforalaska.com.
CIRI is owned by more than 9,100 shareholders. Its Alaska Native shareholders are of Athabascan, Southeast Indian, Inupiat, Yup’ik, Alutiiq/Sugpiaq and Aleut/Unangax descent. CIRI is Southcentral Alaska’s largest private landowner, with approximately 1.3 million acres of subsurface land in Alaska.
Based in Kodiak, Alaska, Koniag is an Alaska Native regional corporation that owns and manages a diverse portfolio of operating companies and real estate holdings. Koniag is committed to benefiting its nearly 4,300 shareholders through growing dividends, educational scholarships and investments in cultural programs that preserve the Alutiiq heritage of the Kodiak Island region.