With information provided by the Dillingham adult probation office, the statewide drug enforcement unit’s Western Alaska Alcohol and Narcotics Team (WAANT), the Dillingham Police Department and the Dillingham Alaska State troopers began an investigation into the sale and distribution of heroin at 2 PM.
At 4:30 PM, a tip went into WAANT and the Dillingham police reporting that 38-year-old Dillingham resident Vaughn Clark’s was seen on Dillingham High School property meeting with another person known to be a drug dealer/user. WAANT, Dillingham police, troopers immediately went to the scene.
When authorities arrived at at the high school, they saw the suspect vehicle leaving the scene. Officers stopped the vehicle at the L&M store in Dillingham and made contact with Clark. Clark was detained, a search warrant was requested, and the vehicle was impounded pending that search warrant.
When received, WAANT and Dillingham police served that search warrant on Clark. When searched, the vehicle was found to “contain syringes containing heroin, a scale with heroin residue, methadone pills, and 1/10 of a gram of methamphetamine.”
“Additionally, several empty syringes, and other drugs paraphernalia containing heroin residue, and $684 cash were discovered and seized,” stated to trooper dispatch.
Clark was arrested on charges of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance II x3, Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance III, and Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV x3. Clark was held with no bail pending arraignment.
On Wednesday, at 10 AM, Clark appeared in court in Dillingham for arraignment. His bail was set at $20,000 cash/performance, as well as a court approved third-party custodian.