Nineteen years after five-year-old Richard Wayne Landers Jr disappeared from Wolcottville, Indiana, he has been found alive and well.
In fact, the young man is now 24, is married and is expecting a child of his own. He was located in Long Prairie, Indiana.
A break in the 19-year-old case was made when the husband of the boy’s mother gave Indiana State Police the missing boy’s social security number in 2012. This discovery brought in the Minnesota Law Enforcement, the FBI and the Social Security Adminstration. By October, police had located a man in central Minnesota using the social security number for the boy.
The grandparents of the young man were also located in Minnesota, living eight miles north of the now grown man, where they had been living for almost two decades under assumed names.
There was never any doubt that the grandparents had absconded with the five-year-old boy all those years ago. They had raised his since he was a very small child as his father and mother had had difficulties at that time. But, when the boy’s mother remarried, she worked through the courts to have the child returned to her. That is when the grandparents left their lives that they had known in Indiana and left the state.
Misdemeanor Interference with Custody charges were filed against the grandparents shortly after their and the young boys disappearance. Those charges would be increased to felonies in 1999. But, nine years later, in 2008, those charges were dropped and the case was forgotten for the next four years.
The mother of the missing boy was estatic that he had been located after going missing all those long years ago, but it is not known if the boy, now all grown, will be re-united with his mother.
It is also unknown if the grandparents will face any charges in the case, police have declined to say, as they claim the case is on-going.