More Information Released in Wednesday’s Fairbanks Car Chase/Shootout

33-year-old Vincent Perdue was shot and killed in a shootout with troopers and Fairbanks police on Wednesday morning. Image-Facebook profile.
33-year-old Vincent Perdue was shot and killed in a shootout/car chase with troopers and Fairbanks police on Wednesday morning. Image-Facebook profile.

The trooper dispatch revealed more information as well as one of the motorist’s names who were involved with the Wednesday shoot-out with law enforcement on Thursday afternoon.

According to the trooper dispatch, at 9:01 am on Wednesday, a trooper patrol vehicle observed silver 2000 Pontiac with “excessively” tinted windows fail to use their turn signal at the intersection of South Cushman and the Mitchell Expressway and attempted to perform a traffic stop.

Instead of stopping for the officer, the driver, later identified as 33-year-old Vincent Perdue sped away from the pursuing trooper, and headed eastbound on the Richardson Highway with one female passenger in the car. 

As he  fled the trooper, Perdue was seen “throwing objects out of the driver’s side window of the car,” troopers reported. Perdue then turned  on Badger Road.

Driving recklessly, the vehicle eluded troopers and Fairbanks police “nearly the entire length of Badger Road and Bradway Road,” according to the report. As they continued to elude the pursuing patrol cars, troopers say that “both the driver and the female passenger were observed leaning out of the suspect vehicle windows and shooting at pursuing police units with handguns.”

The pursuit came to an end at the intersection of Bradway Road and Dennis Road. Perdue drove his vehicle in the ditch in an effort to avoid spike strips laid out on the road, then as he passed law enforcement vehicles parked at the intersection, he hit a Fairbanks Police patrol car.

Alaska State Troopers say that at that time troopers and one Fairbanks police officer opened fire on the occupants of the vehicle. Perdue was pronounced dead at the scene and the female passenger was transported to the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital for treatment of her injuries.

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Two handguns were found in the vehicle and shell casings were found at various locations along the chase route, troopers reported.

The trooper dispatch stated,

The Alaska Bureau of Investigation (ABI), in consultation with the Office of Special Prosecutions and Appeals (OSPA) is conducting an extensive criminal investigation into the incident. ABI is currently interviewing the involved witnesses, gathering physical evidence and will present the results of their investigation to OSPA for review. The Fairbanks Police department is cooperating with the ABI investigation as are the Alaska State Troopers involved in the incident.

Authorities say that as per department policy, the names of the involved troopers and Fairbanks police officer will be made public after 72 hours.

Perdue had an extensive criminal record that included multiple felony assaults and robbery with use of force.

On his Facebook page, Perdue said of one of his photos showing him with his tattoos, “It’s is the best of the best in Alaskans max prison system and I got more coming.”

The Alaska Bureau of Investigations is asking that anyone who witnessed the attempted traffic stop or has information about the two occupants of the vehicle, or what motivated their actions, to please contact them.

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