(Juneau) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced publication of the annual statewide salmon run forecast and commercial harvest projection report: Run Forecasts and Harvest Projections for 2022 Alaska Salmon Fisheries and Review of the 2021 Season.
The Alaska all-species salmon harvest for 2021 totaled nearly 235 million fish. Over half of this harvest was composed of pink salmon (161.4 million fish), followed by sockeye salmon (57.1 million fish). Most of the 2021 pink salmon harvest occurred in Central and Westward regions, and Bristol Bay continued to be the largest sockeye salmon producing region in Alaska.
The 2022 commercial salmon forecast is for a record sockeye salmon harvest of 74 million fish, mostly from Bristol Bay, and a substantially smaller harvest of pink salmon (67.2 million fish) than occurred in 2021. Commercial harvests of coho and chum salmon are projected to be average. If realized, the forecasted 2022 total Alaska commercial harvest will be approximately 160.6 million salmon.
For additional information and area-specific details about harvest projections and forecasts, please see the report at the link above.