Clean Up Continues at Port William in Shuyak Strait

Clean Up Continues at Port William in Shuyak Strait

The United States Coast Guard reports that they, along with Alaska Chadux Corporation and vessels of opportunity continue to conduct site assessments and implement preliminary cleanup efforts at the Port William site on Shuyak Island approximately 50 miles north of Kodiak. They state that they have added to the containment boom already in place, and now have 2100 feet […]

North Pole Homeowner Interrupts Burglars as They Stripped his Home

North Pole Homeowner Interrupts Burglars as They Stripped his Home

Troopers report that they are investigating a burglary incident where a North Pole homeowner returned to his home to find two suspects stripping the house on Saturday. According to the trooper investigation, two individuals targeted a residence on Hurst Road on Saturday and pulled their van into the home’s garage, concealing it as they worked […]