STERLING HIGHWAY CLOSED: Both lanes between MP 75 – MP 53 remain closed due to Swan Lake fire activity and dense smoke. Fire acitivity and DENSE smoke are expected to continue for some time. Free camping in City of Soldotna is available at Centennial Campground and at Swiftwater Park for stranded motorists. The rodeo […]
STERLING HIGHWAY UPDATE: Both lanes of traffic between Adkins Road (MP77) and the intersection of Resurrection Pass Trail at the Sterling Highway (MP53) remain halted due to Swan Lake Wildfire activity. Fire movement and related smoke impacts are expected to continue for some time and could last through the night and into Tuesday. FREE […]
The Swan Lake Fire is backing north of Skilak Road towards the Sterling Highway. Both lanes of traffic are currently stopped due to the fire behavior at MP72. Firefighters expect smoke from the fire to affect the travel on the Sterling Highway for a limited time. Alaska State Troopers will sweep vehicle traffic along […]
Full closure of eastbound and westbound lanes between UAA Drive and Spirit Drive ANCHORAGE – Beginning the week after Labor Day, Providence Drive will be closed to traffic between UAA Dr and Spirit Dr for needed road repairs. Construction crews will be replacing a creek culvert that collapsed under the road in March. In […]