DHSS today announced two new deaths and 99 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 96 are residents in 14 communities: Anchorage (54), Fairbanks (16), Utqiaġvik (5), Wasilla (4), Juneau (3), North Pole (3), Big Lake (2), Eagle River (2), Palmer (2) and one each in Chugiak, Houston, Kenai, Northwest Arctic Borough and Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area. […]
DHSS today announced 129 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 121 are residents in five communities: Anchorage (83), Fairbanks (17), North Pole (4), Palmer (4), Wasilla (4), Juneau (3) and one each for Big Lake, Girdwood, Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, Valdez-Cordova Census Area, Soldotna and Utqiaġvik. Eight nonresident cases were reported in: Aleutians […]
DHSS today announced 69 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 68 are residents in 13 communities: Anchorage (30), Fairbanks (19), Palmer (4), North Pole (3), Kenai (2), Soldotna (2), Utqiaġvik (2), and one each in Bristol Bay plus Lake and Peninsula Borough, Eagle River, Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, Juneau, Wasilla and Yakutat plus Hoonah-Angoon. […]
DHSS today announced two new deaths and 36 new people identified with COVID-19 in Alaska. 35 are residents in five communities: Anchorage (17), Fairbanks (4), Palmer (3), Juneau (2) and one each in North Kenai Peninsula, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Bristol Bay plus Lake and Peninsula Borough, Soldotna, Wasilla, Yakutat plus Hoonah-Angoon, Denali Borough, and Unknown […]