‘The trend we’re seeing proves that we need immediate action to keep Alaskans healthy’ ANCHORAGE – Over the past week, Alaskans have seen the consequences of the governor’s decision to relax protections against COVID-19: in a seven-day stretch, the number of people infected has grown by 18 percent, from 412 to 487. On Saturday, […]
U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday the Republicans will move this year’s national convention from the southeastern state of North Carolina because the governor is refusing to remove restrictions on large events aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus. As many as 19,000 people, including delegates and party officials, were expected to gather […]
June 2, 2020 ANCHORAGE — The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) today announced 20 new cases of COVID-19 in four communities: Anchorage (15), City of Kenai (3), Homer (1) and Nikiski (1). This brings the total number of Alaska cases to 487. This report reflects data from 12:00 a.m. until 11:59 […]
Customers urged to book online or call for reservations (KETCHIKAN, Alaska) – In order to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees, the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) is implementing enhanced COVID-19 mitigation protocols at all AMHS facilities and aboard all vessels. These protocols include: Reminders to passengers and AMHS employees to practice good hygiene […]